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- { Turbo Pascal functions to compute Powers.
- Original written by Paul F. Hultquist, published in PC Tech Journal,
- Vol. 3, No. 5 (May '85), p.213.
- Additions and modifications by Roy Collins, 5/8/85:
- * Error conditions caused the program to display an error message
- and halt. Changed to display error message, beep, and return
- a value of zero.
- * Since Paul stated that PWRI is faster than PWRR when raising a
- real to an integer power, I added code to PWRR to check for an
- 'Y' value and to call PWRI when appropraitte.
- * Added new testing procedures. }
- procedure beep;
- { Test use only.
- Draw attention to error conditions. }
- begin
- sound(1000); delay(150); nosound;
- delay(100);
- sound(2000); delay(150); nosound;
- end; (* proc beep *)
- function pwri(x:real; n:integer):real;
- { PWRI performs the tests necessary to eliminate non-computable cases
- of finding X (real) to the power N (integer). It calls upon function
- RLSCAN to do the actual computation after it has, for example,
- replaced a negative with a positive one (it does a reciprocation
- after return from RLSCAN in that case. Error conditions return a
- zero value. }
- function rlscan(x:real; n:integer):real;
- { This function scans the positive exponent from right to left to
- determine a sequence of multiplications and squarings that produce
- X (real) to the power N (integer) in a near-minimum number of
- multiplications. The algorithm is Algorithm A, p. 442, Vol. 2,
- 2nd Ed. of Knuth: "The Art of Computer Programming: Seminumerical
- Algorithms", Addison-Wesley, 1981. }
- var
- y, z : real;
- o : boolean;
- bign : integer;
- begin
- bign := n;
- y := 1.0;
- z := x;
- while bign > 0 do begin
- o := odd(bign);
- bign := bign div 2;
- if o then begin
- y := y * z;
- rlscan := y;
- end;
- z := z * z;
- end;
- end; (* func rlscan *)
- begin
- if n > 0 then
- pwri := rlscan(x,n)
- else
- if (x <> 0.0) and (n < 0) then begin
- n := -n;
- pwri := 1.0 / rlscan(x,n);
- end
- else
- if (n = 0) and (x <> 0) then
- pwri := 1.0
- else
- if (n = 0) and (x = 0) then begin
- writeln('0 to the 0 power.');
- beep;
- pwri := 0.0;
- end
- else
- if (n < 0) and (x = 0) then begin
- writeln('Division by zero.');
- beep;
- pwri := 0.0;
- end;
- end; (* func pwri *)
- function pwrr(x,y:real):real;
- { PWRR finds X (real) to the power Y (real) using algorithms and
- exponentials. If Y is an integer PWRI is faster. The function
- eliminates the undefined cases and the case where the result is
- complex. For these error conditions, zero is returned. }
- { Added by Roy Collins, 5/8/85:
- Since PWRI is faster for cases where Y is an integer,
- if Y is an acceptable integer, use PWRI to compute x**y }
- begin
- if (y = int(y)) and (abs(y) <= 32767) then
- pwrr := pwri(x,trunc(y))
- else
- if x > 0 then
- pwrr := exp(y*ln(x))
- else
- if x < 0 then begin
- writeln('X < 0.');
- beep;
- pwrr := 0.0;
- end
- else
- if (x=0) and (y=0) then begin
- writeln('0 to the 0 power.');
- beep;
- pwrr := 0.0;
- end
- else
- if (x=0) and (y<0) then begin
- writeln('0 ti a negative power.');
- beep;
- pwrr := 0.0;
- end
- else
- pwrr := 0.0;
- end; (* func pwrr *)
- var
- ch : char;
- x, y : real;
- begin (* test pwri and pwrr functions *)
- repeat
- writeln;
- write('Test R)eal or I)nteger power function (or Q)uit)? (R/N/Q)');
- repeat
- read(kbd,ch);
- ch := upcase(ch);
- until ch in ['R','I','Q'];
- if ch = 'Q' then
- halt;
- writeln(ch);
- if ch = 'R' then
- writeln('Raise X (real) to the Y (real) power')
- else
- writeln('Raise X (real) to the Y (integer) power');
- write('Enter X value: ');
- readln(x);
- write('Enter Y value: ');
- readln(y);
- if ch = 'R' then
- writeln('Real power = ',pwrr(x,y):12:11)
- else
- writeln('Integer power = ',int(pwri(x,trunc(y))):12:11);
- until false;
- end.